16 months

Aiden's Daycare Picture

Aiden is growing!  He now weighs 17 lbs 2 oz. !! (He can finally wear 12 month clothes!) While this is still very small for his age it is a steady weight climb and we are thankful!  Aiden is still struggling with feeding issues.  He still eats very little real food or baby foods.  He will take a bottle or drink from a cup sometimes, but we are still relying on the tube for most of the feedings.  His pediatrician recently changed his formula which has also been an adjustment.  Aiden was eating much better before his ear surgery. The surgery seems to have caused a set back.  We also had to stop speech therapy due to insurance changes and the out of pocket expense.  We are hopeful that we can get him back in speech therapy soon.  He is undergoing evaluation and will hopefully start having therapy through the Early Intervention Program.  This will be great because his speech therapist will come do therapy with Aiden at his daycare.  Until then...we continue to offer Aiden any and everything that he shows interest in eating.     

 Aiden is very inquisitive and is getting into everything.  He still likes to "booty scoot"  as we call it.  He is pulling up on any and  everything and stands very well on his own now.  He is still not walking yet.  He will take 3-4 steps but that is all so far. He now has 10 teeth!!!  He cut two new ones in the past week!!  Aiden is a chatter box and loves to sing!  He also likes trains and trucks.   Aiden keeps us laughing and is the joy of our lives.  We are so very blessed!!! 

Playing in the leaves!

As Christmas time approaches, I am reminded of how sick Aiden was last Christmas.  He was struggling to keep any of his feedings down.  We are so thankful that he is no longer vomiting and struggling with reflux.  Although he still has feeding issues...he is no longer miserable at feeding time.  We continue to be blessed and thankful to God for everything he has brought Aiden through!!

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