Aiden Arrives

Aiden was delivered by C-section  at 38 weeks.  Aiden was born on Wed. July 21, 2010 at 1014am.  He weighed 6lbs. 7 oz. and was 18 1/4 in. long. Immediately after he was delivered he was whisked away to NICU and placed on the ventalator due to complications with breathing.  I didn't even get to see him or hear him cry! Craig got to take a few pictures of him right after birth and then later after he was stable in the NICU Craig got to see him. The pediatric surgeons came and evaluated his omphalocele right after birth.  They also wrapped it tight with moistened gauze that remained  until his first surgery.  I finally got to see my  little boy around 9pm that evening. 

Aiden's Story Begins

First ultrasound picture showing the omphalocele.
We found out on March 1, 2010 at 18 weeks gestation via ultrasound that our baby had an abdominal wall defect.  My OB doctor quickly referred us to Jackson, MS for further testing which included an amniocentesis, fetal MRI, and a fetal echocardiogram. The tests revealed that Aiden had a giant omphalocele that contained the liver, stomach, and some of his intestines.  The rest of the pregnancy involved frequent tests evaluations in Jackson. We are so thankful we were referred to University Medical Center in Jackson. All the doctors and nurses have been wonderful.   
Fetal MRI of the omphalocele