Christmas 2012

I know I have not updated in quite some time.  Aiden has done very well since getting his second set of tubes in his ears.  We have made it through the fall and start of winter with no ear infections!!!  Aiden is really growing.  We still rely on his tube for most of his nutritional needs.  He is starting to explore more foods and is beginning to ask for particular foods he likes.  Although, the amount of food he will eat by mouth is small.  His favorite foods are pizza, spaghetti, and mashed potatoes.  He also loves any kind of crackers.  The speech therapist has determined that crackers are his "safe" food.  He is most comfortable with crunchy textures.  He takes very small "mouse bites" so we are working on bigger bites of foods now.  Getting Aiden to eat is a very slow and sometimes frustrating process.  We pray that we can soon begin to decrease the tube feedings and hope that he will then be more hungry.  Hopefully then he will have more desire to eat.  We are now working on potty training.  Aiden is making progress and loves to wear his "BIG BOY" underwear. 

Aiden in his new underwear! I was afraid the smallest size would still be to big  but they fit!!!

Aiden had a blast this Christmas! He had so much fun with all the toys from Santa! His favorite two gifts were his basketball goal and John Deer Tractor from his Pop and Mimi! We also got to go visit his Nanny and Pawpaw in Florida.  He was so excited to get to visit them!

 Here are a few photos from the past few months and from Christmas.

Christmas 2012

John Deer Tractor and Boots!  Making his Big Paw Paw Brock proud!

Aiden with his Stompeez from Nanny!

Playing with his Train from Santa!!